Through art and nudity, the men of Men’s Naked Drawing have been able to breakthrough the shame and stigma that society places on all types of men’s bodies. This art exhibition, Male Nudes by Nude Males, shows the viewer how this unique activity is transforming the body-positivity conversation. When both the artist and the model are similarly naked, they are on equal footing, encouraging an openness and camaraderie not found in traditional drawing groups.
For the first time in our 4+ years of existence, we will exhibit our artwork and our friendly, naked activity to the world! The three-day event will feature hundreds of drawings showing the full range of work (doodles, stick figures, exquisitely detailed drawings, etc.) created by members of the group from the NYC, Austin, Phoenix, Inland Empire, and San Francisco chapters. The exhibit will also include photographs taken at the sessions, as well as documentary videos of our group.
SAVE THE DATE! September 5-8, 2019
Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art Project Space
127 Prince St (basement), New York, NY 10013
Thursday, September 5: Members-only private reception
Friday, September 6, 6-8PM: public opening (FREE)
Saturday, September 7, 12-6PM: gallery hours, naked drawing demonstration after hours (FREE)
Sunday, September 8, 12-6PM: gallery hours (FREE)
Additional events to be announced.
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